J Med Assoc Thai 2002; 85 (12):1309

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Hands-On is Better Than Look-On : Condom Use
0Prasertsawat P Mail, Koktatong U

Objectives : To compare knowledge about condoms, attitude towards condom use and skill
in condom application between the experimental group who received hands-on and the control group
who had look-on demonstrations of condom application onto the penile model of third year male
primary vocational students.
Method : Self administered questionnaire was used to collect data about knowledge and
attitude. Skill was separately evaluated by a skill evaluation form. Pretest and posttest of knowledge,
attitude and skill were done separately at 2 week intervals in the same subjects. The pretest and post-
test scores were expressed as the mean and standard deviation. Statistic analysis used unpaired t-test
for comparing scores between the two groups using SPSS.
Results : Comparison of pretest with pretest, posttest with posttest and the different mean
score of posttest with pretest between the two groups of knowledge and attitude about condoms were
not significantly different in both groups but the skill in condom application score was significantly
different (p-value
0.001). However, the skill score increased in the experimental group more than
in the control group.
Conclusions : This study suggested that condom application skill increased with the hands-
on than look-on instructional model.
was concluded that hands-on should be used to improve skill
to prevent condom user failure and nonuse.
Key word : Hands-On, Look-On, Condom Use

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